
Radioactive Governance: The Politics of Revitalization in Post-Fukushima Japan (accepted for publication)

Peer reviewed articles

Polleri, Maxime. 2024. Déchets [Waste]. Anthropen. (PDF)

Polleri, Maxime. 2022. Toward an Anthropology of Misinformation. Anthropology Today. 38(5): 17-20. (PDF)

Meng, Zaiqiao, Anya Okhmatovskaia, Maxime Polleri, Yannan Shen, GuidoPowell, Zihao Fu, Iris Ganser, Meiru Zhang, Nicholas King, David Buckeridge, Collier Nigel. 2022. BioCaster in 2021: Automatic Disease Outbreaks Detection from Global News Media. Bioinformatics. 38(18): 4446-4448.

Polleri, Maxime. 2021. Radioactive Performances: Teaching about Radiation after the Fukushima Nuclear DisasterAnthropological Quarterly. 94(1): 93-123. (PDF)

Polleri, Maxime. 2020. Post-political Uncertainties: Governing Nuclear Controversies in Post-Fukushima JapanSocial Studies of Science. 50(4): 567-588. (PDF)

Polleri, Maxime. 2019. Conflictual Collaboration: Citizen Science and the Governance of Radioactive Contamination after the Fukushima Nuclear DisasterAmerican Ethnologist. 46(2): 214-226. (PDF)

Polleri, Maxime. 2017. Exchanging Business Cards in Japan: Oh! So You Are an… Anthropology Today. 33(3): 23-24. (PDF)

Polleri, Maxime. 2016. Tracking Radioactive Contamination after FukushimaAnthropology Now. 8(2): 90-103.

Peer reviewed book chapters

Polleri, Maxime. 2018. Indeterminate Life: Dealing with Radioactive Contamination as a Voluntary Evacuee Mother. In Bearing the Weight of the World: Exploring Maternal Embodiment, edited by A. Einion and J. Rinaldi, 151-170. Bradford: Demeter Press. 

Op-ed, policy analysis, and public writing

Polleri, Maxime. 2024. For Japan, Whaling Is Intertwined With Maritime Sovereignty. The Diplomat. December 9. (Re-issued in The Japan Times, December 19).

Polleri, Maxime. 2024. Japan’s Aging Population Will Increase Disaster Vulnerability. The Diplomat. January 22.

Polleri, Maxime. 2023. Fukushima Wastewater Issue Will Further Divide a Nation, Split Families, and Cause ‘Atomic Divorce.’ Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. October 17.

Polleri, Maxime. 2023. The Release of Fukushima Wastewater Will Symbolically Hurt JapanThe Diplomat. 25 August.

Polleri, Maxime. 2023. The Fukushima Wastewater ‘Discharge’: What’s in a Name? The Diplomat. 12 June.

Polleri, Maxime. 2022. Our Contaminated Future. Aeon. 15 December.

Polleri, Maxime. 2022. The Legacy of Shinzo Abe in Fukushima. Japan Today. 22 July.

de Troullioud de Lanversin, Julien, Maxime Polleri. 2022. Four Unanswered Questions about the Intersection of War and Nuclear Power. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. April 19.

Polleri, Maxime 2022. A Close Call at Ukraine Reactor: On Luck and Nuclear DisastersBulletin of the Atomic Scientists. March 4. 

Polleri, Maxime. 2022. Этнографии ядерной жизни: От виктимности к поствиктимизации [Ethnographies of Nuclear Life: From Victimhood to Post-Victimization]. Platypus: The CASTAC Blog. 1 March. (Translation in Russian by Svetlana Borodina)

Polleri, Maxime. 2022. Ethnographies of Nuclear Life: From Victimhood to Post-VictimizationPlatypus: The CASTAC Blog. 1 March. 

Polleri, Maxime. 2021. Phantomatic Evidence. For the exhibit: Picturing the Invisible. Directors Gallery, Royal Geographical Society. From October 25 to December 23.  

Polleri, Maxime. 2021. Q&A: “Conflictual Collaboration: Citizen Science and the Governance of Radioactive Contamination after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster.” American Philosophical Society. May 11.

Polleri, Maxime. 2021. Why Japan Might Not Abandon Nuclear PowerThe Diplomat. March 11.

Polleri, Maxime. 2020. Fukushima: Le Retour à la Terre Radioactive. Tempura. 3: 32-42.

Polleri, Maxime, Cameron Tracy, Elizaveta Likhacheva, Evgenia Stepnykh. 2020. Improving the Communication of Risks Before, During, and After a Nuclear Accident. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. August 31.

Polleri, Maxime. 2020. Being Clear-Eyed About Citizen Science in the Age of COVID-19. Sapiens. July 15.

Polleri, Maxime. 2020. Patterns of Contamination: From Fukushima to COVID-19. UCL Medical Anthropology. May 28.

Polleri, Maxime. 2020. Thinking ahead on Post-COVID-19 Vulnerabilities. UCL Medical Anthropology. April 4.

Polleri, Maxime. 2019. The Truth about Radiation in FukushimaThe Diplomat. March 14.

Polleri, Maxime. 2019. Teaching about Radiation after FukushimaBulletin of the Atomic Scientists. February 26.

Polleri, Maxime. 2018. Risk is your Business: Citizen Science after FukushimaSomatosphere. December 10.

Polleri, Maxime. 2018. Beyond a Place: Fieldwork as a Concept. In Cultural Anthropology: A Perspective on the Human Condition, edited by E.A. Schultz, R.H. Lavenda and R.R. Dods, 47-48. 4th Canadian Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press. 

Polleri, Maxime. 2017. Radioactive Contamination and Citizen Science after Fukushima. Digital Series on “Sensorial Engagements with a Toxic World,” edited by C. Fukuda. Second Spear, Medical Anthropology Quarterly. March 29.

Polleri, Maxime. 2017. Futatabime [Second Time]. Sekiguchi Global Research Association. Atsumi International Foundation. 

Polleri, Maxime. 2016. Shiru to Wakaru [Knowing and Understanding]. Sekiguchi Global Research Association. Atsumi International Foundation.

Polleri, Maxime. 2016. Notes from the Field: Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride. The SAGA Exchange. 1(2): 3.

Book reviews

Polleri, Maxime. 2024. Nuclear Ghost: Atomic Livelihoods in Fukushima’s Gray Zone. Asian Ethnology. 83(2): 382-384.

Polleri, Maxime. 2022. The Future of Fallout, and Other Episodes in Radioactive World-MakingAnthropological Quarterly. 95(2): 489-492.

Polleri, Maxime. 2021. Deep Time Reckoning: How Future Thinking Can Help Earth Now. The Holocene. 31(4): 694-695.

Polleri, Maxime. 2021. The Visible and Invisible Atom: From Hiroshima to Fukushima. Metascience. 30(1): 83-86.


Robitaille, Isaac. 2024. Déchets nucléaires à Ignace : enjeux pour les communautés du Nord. Radio-Canada. 29 novembre.

Marti, Céline et Désiré Kafunda. 2024. Des Premières Nations souhaitent enterrer le projet de tombeau nucléaire à Ignace. Radio-Canada. 2 octobre.

McQuade, Pénélope. 2024. Survivre à une panne Internet : mode d’emploi. Radio-Canada – Pénélope. 30 août.

Tremblay, Karine. 2024. Le bogue de l’an 24.  [The Year 24 Bug]. La Tribune. 19 juillet.

Larose, Yvon. 2023. À l’ère des désastres. [In the Ages of Disasters]. 5 octobre.

Zubko, Martin. 2023. Fukushima: It’s Not Over Yet. IR Thinker: International Affairs Talk Show. July 18.

Shih, Eric. 2023. Academic Looks to Learn More about Nuclear Waste Burial Perspectives. Kenora Miner. 18 August.

Larose, Yvon. 2023. L’après-Fukushima [Post-Fukushima]. ULaval nouvelles. 25 janvier.